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The Cat Fish Capital & Home of the Marine Museum of Manitoba

"Service Above Self"

We meet In Person
Mondays at 6:00 p.m.
The Selkirk Golf & Country Club
100 Sutherland Ave
Selkirk, MB R1A 1N7
We meet the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month at the Selkirk Golf & Country Club
Home Page Stories
Lobster on the Run was a huge hit today with 439 pickup dinners served up at the Gordon Howard Centre by the Rotary Club of Selkirk. It was a beautiful day which allowed our cast of volunteers to assist our guests with ease! Congratulations to Mr. Rusty Skalesky of Selkirk, who was the 50/50 winner of $3075.
The following winners were also drawn on our Fundraiser draw:
1. Deb Vitt is the winner of a $1200 Gift Certificate from Selkirk Home Hardware
2. Kay Little won the Fireworks Prize valued at $1500 from Red Bomb Fireworks
3. Rob Tataryn won a $250 gift certificate from Papa Carlo Pizzeria&Gelati
A big shout out to the Grade 12 grads from the Comp who assisted us throughout the day delivering fresh Lobster to our guests. And a huge thank you to all of our friends and family who helped make this event a tremendous success!! Thank you to everyone who supported the Rotary Club of Selkirk!!! Hopefully we can celebrate in person together next year 😊
The Rotary Club of Selkirk was honored to host Joy Smith of the Joy Smith Foundation who gave a fantastic presentation on Human Trafficking to a packed house at the Selkirk Golf & Country Club today. The Foundation works to provide access to information so that every Canadian man, woman and child is educated and empowered to stay safe from manipulation, force, or abuse of power designed to lure and exploit them in a sex trade or forced labour. A $500 donation was given to the Joy Smith Foundation which included $5.00 from each ticket sold as well as a top up from the Rotary Club of Selkirk. Thank you for your amazing work Joy!!👏👏👏

Valentines Day | Official Opening of Selkirk Echocardiography Services

The Rotary Club of Selkirk raised approximately $200,000 to purchase the medical equipment required to bring echocardiography services to the region. Eleven different municipalities throughout the health region contributed to the project, as did 31 community groups, local businesses, Hutterite colonies and dozens of individuals.


Click on each news photo to read report
The Selkirk Record - February 20, 2020 Edition
Two articles
  • Strong pulse for heart health in Selkirk                   page 3
  • Echocardiography services expanding in Selkirk    page 9


        Ruth Ann Furgala
Judy Dunn
Ron van Denakker
Sharon Moolchan
Jean Oliver
Photo credit:
 Director IERHA Board
 Director IERHA Board
 Selkirk Rotary President
 Selkirk Rotary President-Elect
    &  Project Echo Co-Chair
Gail & Bill Bodman
Sharon Moolchan
President Selkirk Rotary
Photo credit: Gail & Bill Bodman
Jean Oliver
Selkirk Rotary President Elect  & Project Echo Co-Chair
Photo credit: Gail & Bill Bodman
Deann Lane 
Irwin Kumka 
Brad Saluk 
Debbie Fiebelkorn 
Joy Sul 
Sharon Moolchan 
Dr. Alan Lagimodiere 
Jean Oliver 
Clive Hinds 
Photo credit:
 Selkirk & District Community Foundation
 Councillor Victoria Beach
 Reeve  R.M. of Brokenhead
 Mayor of St. Clements
 Mayor of St. Andrews
 President Selkirk Rotary
 MLA Selkirk
 Selkirk Rotary
 Mayor of Stonewall
 Gail & Bill Bodman
Ralph Eichler
Petr Kresta
Cameron Friesen
Ron Janzen
Sharon Moolchan
Jean Oliver
Ron Van Denaker
Dr. Al Lagimodiere
Kelly Wilkinson
Reed Love
Photo credit:
 Shared Health
 Minister of Health
 Selkirk Rotary
 Selkirk Rotary
 Shared Health
 Shared Health
 Gail & Bill Bodman
Photo credit: Gail & Bill Bodman
Photo credit: Gail & Bill Bodman

From the Archives

The Rotarian - TheNationalRotarian-January1911 - Google Books
April 20, 1978 Jaws of Life  

The Rotary Club purchased the first Jaws of Life for MacDonald Towing.

July 16, 1979 First Gordon Howard 

A motion was put forward to exam the pros & cons of purchasing 330 Vaughan Ave which later became the first Gordon Howard Senior’s Centre.

July 22, 1999 First Dialysis Unit 

The Shriners, Rotary and provincial government announced $1.7 mil. for 6 dialysis stations in the province and on May 1, 2000 the first dialysis unit in the Interlake opened in Selkirk.

Celebrating 3 past projects: 1978, 1979, 1999

From the Archives

From a Summary of Club Plans and Objectives submitted by then President Fraser Stewart on October 28, 1991 illustrating some recurring club goals.
The Club Service Plans were listed as:
  1. To hold a weekly draw with the proceeds going directly to the Foundation.
  2. To have the Fellowship Committee oversee at least 6 club social functions over the year.
  3. To have programs planned by a committee of four Rotarians meeting  5-6 times a year.
  4. To establish a new Club Archives Committee charged with the development of a scrap book to record the history of the club.
• There can be no happiness if the things we believe in are different from the things we do.
October 21, 1991 President Fraser on Club Plans and Objectives

From the Archives

• May all of your troubles last as long as your New Year’s resolutions.
• There can be no happiness if the things we believe in are different from the things we do.
December 12, 1988 Words of Wisdom

From the Archives

On June 22, 1981 Lawyer Murray Sinclair spoke to the Selkirk Rotary Club telling his plans to enter the battle of legal rights for indigenous peoples.

From the June 8, 2014 Spoke

From the Archives

Never give up on what you really want to do. The person with big dreams is more powerful than one with all of the facts.

From the February 22, 1999 Spoke

From the Archives

Nothing keeps a person’s feet on the ground like having a little responsibility placed on his shoulders.

By Ron Golden

The Rotary Club of Selkirk held a “Special Rotary Club of Selkirk Meeting” on Saturday, April 8, at the Selkirk Golf and Country Club when we celebrated our “80th Anniversary of Service to Humanity” in our community, region and internationally .
At the special meeting we celebrated Selkirk Rotary’s contributions to the Triple S Community and highlighted our exciting new major health care project to fundraise for very much needed “Echocardiogram Equipment” for our New Selkirk Regional Hospital.  Our Keynote Speaker for the event was a very dynamic speaker, “Dr. Niigaanwewidam James Sinclair”,
who spoke on his youth growing up in Selkirk and his Rotary experiences in RYLA and his youth exchange in South Africa and what Rotary meant to him.
Two Paul Harris Fellows were presented to commemorate our 80th Anniversary.
The first was to Rene Gauthier, a tireless community volunteer
who was instrumental in the creation of the Soup Kitchen and the
Homeless Shelter among other community achievements.
The second was to Jamie Sinclair to recognize his international
work in reconciliation and human rights.
Making the presentations was our president Marcia Bilkoski'
Many other notable figures have been named as Paul Harris Fellows, including U.S. President Jimmy Carter, Russian President Boris Yeltsin, U.S. astronaut James Lovell, UN Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar, and Jonas Salk.  
Hi there Everyone !
Here are the five recipients of Rotary Awards for June 2016
Grade 12:
Lord Selkirk Regional High School :  Nettie Wallace
Nettie will be pursuing a Bachelor of Science at the U of W with the goal of becoming a children's dentist. One day she hopes to join Dentists Without Borders in order to help others.                 Presenter: Michele Polinuk
Grade 9 students:
Lockport Junior High: Grace Wallace  Presenter: Elaine Elliot
Walter Whyte: Emma Smith   Presenter: Jean Oliver
Ecole Selkirk Junior High: Autumn Kirkham-Jeans     Presenter: Jean Oliver
East Selkirk Middle School: Andrew Marsh            Presenter: Kathryn Kunkel 

Rhonda is seen presenting our Club's donation to Winnie G at the Children of the Dump Mission in PV during our visit on Jan 18/16.
Very informative and interesting!
Cheers, Ruth


The members of the Rotary Club of Selkirk extend a warm welcome and invite you to take an active part in the club's service and fellowship activities.



Rotary is a voluntary organization of 1.2 million business and professional leaders united worldwide. Rotary is the world's first volunteer service organization. Clubs are nonpolitical and open to every race, culture, and creed.


The Rotary Club of Selkirk was admitted to Rotary International in 1937.


Rotary Motto:

Service Above Self


Did you know?:

Some of the activities and projects that our Selkirk Club has sponsored locally include: The Skate Park in Selkirk Park, Selkirk Park Swimming Pool, Gordon Howard Senior Centre, and Dialysis Unit Project for Selkirk Hospital, Community swimming pool at the High School, Rotary Manor residence and the Selkirk and District Community Foundation.



Our club meets at Benjamin's every Monday at 6 p.m. Our meetings start with a meal, business arising and then a program of interest. Some of the programs take us to various locations in Selkirk and area.

Meetings are planned to end at 7:30 p.m.


Financial requirements:

Our meetings have two options; dinner and a 50/50 ticket is $20 or

meeting (no dinner, just coffee/tea and a 50/50) is $5.


At meetings you may get "fined" by the Sergeant at Arms. The money from the fine box goes towards a project - either locally or internationally.


Membership dues are paid yearly. Current fees are $150 for the year. Other opportunities for individual contributions take place throughout the year, such as The Rotary Foundation, disaster relief and other projects, which are tax deductible.



An emphasis in this club is to encourage members to attend as many meetings as possible, while recognizing individual needs and commitments. Meetings can be "made up" all around the world, Gimli, Winnipeg as well as e-club meetings online.


How can you be involved?:

For some of the activities and projects we have committees that are created by those with an interest in that area. As a part of the organization, we ask for your areas of interest, strength, or background and we will help find a "spot" for you!


An annual event is our Lobsterfest held the last Saturday of May. This is our major fundraiser. We enlist the help of every member, and if they have a partner we ask for their assistance. You will also be assigned "door duty" with another Rotarian approximately once a year


What do we do with our money we fundraise?

Approximately 75% of the money we raise will go to local community projects, with 25% supporting International projects. Our current goal is to complete the Skate Park and then start looking at our next "big project" for the community. If you have some ideas, come and join this great service group!


New Members  +  New Ideas   =  A Strong Club


Thanks for considering Rotary!


More information about Rotary can be found at www.rotary.org  


Club Officers that you can contact:

President:  Andrew Glassco

President-Elect: Marcia Bilkoski

Secretary: Lesli Malegus

Treasurer:   Ruth Konzelman


The United States was in the grip of the Great Depression when Herbert J. Taylor, the newly appointed president of a nearly bankrupt Chicago cookware company, penned what became known as The Four-Way Test. Today, the simple test serves as an ethical compass for Rotarians everywhere.

In 1932, Herbert J. Taylor, believing his employees were in need of an "ethical yardstick," wrote four questions on a small, white piece of paper:  Is it the TRUTH? Is it FAIR to all concerned? Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?


Website Sponsors
Club Executives & Directors
Immediate Past President
Youth Services
Club Service
International Service
Vocational Service