Rotarians District 5550

All Winnipeg Rotarians, those in the surrounding area and those visiting us from Saskatchewan, Ontario other parts of the district, you are all invited to attend the 4th Annual Rotary Ribfest in Winnipeg from August 24-26th at the Forks.
RIBFEST is a family friendly event with lots of Food, a Beer Garden, Kid's Zone, Entertainment and an online 50/50 draw. (See the attached poster for the website link) Admission is free.
We are expecting about 20,000 people and hoping to raise $35,000 for local youth projects. Help us to "Create Leaders for tomorrow".
For moreinformation, check out the following websites:
RIBFEST Website:
to purchase50/50 Tickets
For a $3 coupon for ribs http://www.ribfestwinnipeg. ca/coupon/
(Friday only)
For further information and questions, contact
Nancy Cosway, Co-chair, Ribfest 2018
PH: 204-654-1045
Rotary Club of Winnipeg