Information for New Members
The members of the Rotary Club of Selkirk extend a warm welcome and invite you to take an active part in the club's service and fellowship activities.
Rotary is a voluntary organization of 1.2 million business and professional leaders united worldwide. Rotary is the world's first volunteer service organization. Clubs are nonpolitical and open to every race, culture, and creed.
The Rotary Club of Selkirk was admitted to Rotary International in 1937.
Rotary Motto:
Service Above Self
Did you know?:
Some of the activities and projects that our Selkirk Club has sponsored locally include: The Skate Park in Selkirk Park, Selkirk Park Swimming Pool, Gordon Howard Senior Centre, and Dialysis Unit Project for Selkirk Hospital, Community swimming pool at the High School, Rotary Manor residence and the Selkirk and District Community Foundation.
Our club meets at Benjamin's every Monday at 6 p.m. Our meetings start with a meal, business arising and then a program of interest. Some of the programs take us to various locations in Selkirk and area.
Meetings are planned to end at 7:30 p.m.
Financial requirements:
Our meetings have two options; dinner and a 50/50 ticket is $20 or
meeting (no dinner, just coffee/tea and a 50/50) is $5.
At meetings you may get "fined" by the Sergeant at Arms. The money from the fine box goes towards a project - either locally or internationally.
Membership dues are paid yearly. Current fees are $150 for the year. Other opportunities for individual contributions take place throughout the year, such as The Rotary Foundation, disaster relief and other projects, which are tax deductible.
An emphasis in this club is to encourage members to attend as many meetings as possible, while recognizing individual needs and commitments. Meetings can be "made up" all around the world, Gimli, Winnipeg as well as e-club meetings online.
How can you be involved?:
For some of the activities and projects we have committees that are created by those with an interest in that area. As a part of the organization, we ask for your areas of interest, strength, or background and we will help find a "spot" for you!
An annual event is our Lobsterfest held the last Saturday of May. This is our major fundraiser. We enlist the help of every member, and if they have a partner we ask for their assistance. You will also be assigned "door duty" with another Rotarian approximately once a year
What do we do with our money we fundraise?
Approximately 75% of the money we raise will go to local community projects, with 25% supporting International projects. Our current goal is to complete the Skate Park and then start looking at our next "big project" for the community. If you have some ideas, come and join this great service group!
New Members + New Ideas = A Strong Club
Thanks for considering Rotary!
More information about Rotary can be found at
Club Officers that you can contact:
President: Andrew Glassco
President-Elect: Marcia Bilkoski
Secretary: Lesli Malegus
Treasurer: Ruth Konzelman
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