History of Selkirk Rotary Club

2. Selkirk is a club of under 50 members but contributes both locally and internationally to the Rotary programs and follows the Rotary ideals of service.
3. A few of the club's local acitivities include: building a Senior's Home; building a swimming pool in the local park; renovating a building for a Senior's Centre; spearheading the drive to put a Dialysis Centre in the hospital; assisting with the pool in the High School, purchase of an imaging camera for the fire department, carbon dioxide equipment for the ambulance service, flag poles for the arena, tree planting at the water treatment plant, cleaning up the riverbanks, cub scouts, school bursary programs.
4. This past 2 years the club has been fund raising approximately $900,000 to build a Skate Park for the community in the summer of 2010.
5. Selkirk Rotary Members believe strongly in the Family of Rotary and have many club programs to support this ideal and the club also promotes the 4-way test through Vocational and School awards.
6. Selkirk also participates in numerous district and international Rotary programs such as long and short term exchange programs, Ryla, World Community service and the one Rotarian every year Foundation program.
7. The club has been a big supporter of Polio Plus and over a 2 year period raised $50,000 for Polio Eradication.
8. Selkirk Rotary has had members sit on District Council and participate in District Conferences as co-hosts and as members as well as members have attended several International Conventions.
Respectfully submitted Elaine Elliott
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