Selkirk Rotary Celebrates 75 Years of Service
The Rotary Club of Selkirk plans a 75th Anniversary Gala Dinner, Bench Unveiling in Queen’s Park and Olympic Athletic Speaker for Youth in our School Division to celebrate their 75th Anniversary this Rotary Year.
The Rotary Club of Selkirk is proudly celebrating its 75 Years of service and projects in the City of Selkirk and surrounding communities. Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Winnipeg, the club was chartered on Monday April 19th 1937 at the Merchants Hotel in Selkirk. To mark this very special 75th Anniversary Year Selkirk Rotary is planning the three following events.
1st First Event
On Sunday October 14th 2012 at 1:30 p.m., Mayor Larry Johannson and Rotary President Andrew Glassco will unveil an exquisite 75th Anniversary granite bench dedicated to the citizens of Selkirk. The bench will installed by E. J. Smith Memorials in the Queen’s Park on Eveline Street as a part of the Trans Canada Trail – Red River North. This unveiling will be followed by coffee and cake served by Chef Mary-Jane at Benjamin’s at 387 Eveline St. The public and all Rotarians are welcome to attend.
2nd Second Event
On Saturday November 17th 2012, The Rotary Club is holding it’s 75th Anniversary Gala Dinner to celebrate with Rotarians and the public in the Sunset Room at Gaffers in Lockport.
Keynote Speaker: Mr. David G. Newman Q.C. on the topic of
“World Peace Partners”. This initiative inspires, promotes and facilitates efforts of peace, justice and humanitarian rights.
At this Gala Dinner we will also be presenting four local citizens each with a “Paul Harris Fellow Award” for their personal contributions to the community. Paul Harris Founded Rotary International in 1905. These Awards are given by a Rotary Club to individuals who meet high professional and personal standards as set forth by Paul Harris in selected areas of endeavor in contributions to the community or in humanitarian efforts.
Tickets: $35.00 each
Date: Saturday, Nov. 17th, 2012
Time: Cocktails 6:00 p.m., Dinner 7:00 p.m.
Location: Gaffer’s Restaurant, The Sunset Room, Lockport, Manitoba
The public is invited and tickets are available until Friday, November 9, 2012 from the following Rotarians:
1. Cathy Phillipson 204-667-3584
2. Marcia Bilkoski 204-785-8085
3rd Event
Additionally, to reach out to students, the Rotary Club will be sponsoring in this school year, one of Canada’s Olympic athletes to speak to and inspire the middle school/ junior high aged students of the Lord Selkirk School Division. We are hoping that many of our youth will take this message and be inspired to dreams of their own either athletically or academically.
President Andrew Glassco says ” We are very excited to celebrate all that Rotary has accomplished over the past 75 years at our Gala Dinner and hope to share an exciting program we have planned for everyone that can attend. This dinner is open to the public and we hope many of our friends, neighbors and fellow citizens can attend. Selkirk Rotarians past and present have worked very hard to give “Service above Self” for many years and we hope to continue to grow as a club and welcome new members and continue to do good works for many more years for our community and internationally!.”
Who is Rotary?
Rotary International (The Rotary Club) is an international service club whose purpose is to bring together business and professional leaders in order to provide humanitarian services, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build goodwill and peace in the world. It is a secular organization open to all persons regardless of race, colour, creed, religion, gender, or political preference. There are 34,282 clubs and over 1.2 million members worldwide. The members of Rotary Clubs are known as Rotarians. The Selkirk Club Members meet weekly for dinner on Monday evenings, which is a social event as well as an opportunity to organize work on their service goals.
Selkirk Rotary's motto is "Service above Self"
If you would like more information on this topic please call or contact
Andrew Glassco 204-223-3559
Cathy Phillipson 204-667-3584
Download the website sponsorship guide