Rotarian Ashley Visits Ukraine Rotary Club - "Building International Friendship Bridges"
Exchanging Rotary Club Banners with President Mykola Kubishyn of Ivano-Frankivsk Rotary Club District 2230.
Their big project is assisting to provide good medical diagnostic services to people who can not afford this. They have identified a good portable ultrasound machine made by General Electric Healthcare in the United States called LOGIQ Book XP ( for $35,000 USD.
The local region has a large number of villages in the mountain region of the Ukraine where there is only one poorly equiped hospital supporting them. One of their Charter Rotary members, Maryan Yaremko, is a gynecologist who travels to this hospital periodically as part of his normal duties, and he has agreed to perform ultrasound studies as part of this Rotary Project. The Rotary Club is hoping to partner with Canadian Rotary Clubs to help with their project proposal for this very important medical service.
If any Rotary Club is willing to assist in this project please contact: Igor Kosovych or Olga Kosovych at
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