Past Presidents Honour Roll

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Benson, Harold

Funk, B. A.

Newman, Frank Wright

Cowles, A. E. K.

Gendreau, Louis P.

Norquay, Thomas

Crouder, Charles A.

Gilbart. J. M.

Reid, Charles F.

Doyle, James E.

Gilhuly, George M.

Veitch, John

Foreman, Eric

Howard, Louis G.

Whitaker, G. E.

Francis, Charles Edward

McLenaghen, James O.

Wright, S. A.

PRESIDENT   A. E. Kenneth Cowles




SECRETARY   Thomas Norquay


TREASURER   Thomas Norquay


SGT. AT ARMS      F. W. Newman






Large Number of Rotarians from City in Attendance District Governor Presents Charter


One of the biggest events Selkirk has witnessed for some time took place on Monday, when about seventy-five Rotarians and their wives assembled in the banquet hall of the Merchants' Hotel on the occasion of Charter Night of the local Rotary Club. There were a large number of Rotarians present from Winnipeg, in addition to the members of the Selkirk Club and a number of distinguished guests.


The Rotarians assembled at 7 p.m., and at 7:30 entered the banquet hall where luncheon was served by Mr. James Doyle and his staff of assistants.


The program for the evening was opened by the singing of "O'Canada", all standing and facing the flag. Rev. J. L. Mclnnis, of Winnipeg, said grace, after which the dinner was served. This was followed by the toast to "The King" and all present then stood and sang the International Anthem.


Mr. A. B. Gardiner, of Winnipeg, introduced the visiting Rotarians and the distinguished guests were introduced by Mr. Fred Manning. The community singing, which interspersed the entire program, was led by Mr. E. J. Greenaway, of Winnipeg, the accompanist being Allan Vickers.


C. R. Sayer, Governor of the fourth District Rotary International, delivered the address of the evening and clearly explained the aims and objects of Rotary. At the close of his address he presented the local club with their charter, (framed) also the objects of Rotary (framed) and a leather bound history of the 4th district since its inception up to the present time. A. E. K. Cowles, president, received the charter, etc., on behalf of the Selkirk club and made a suitable response.


Since its formation a few weeks ago a large number of letters and telegrams had been received by the local club and these were brought before the assembly by the secretary, Tommy Norquay. Rev. J. L. McInnis, of Winnipeg, gave a couple of Drummond's poems, which called for a hearty encore. This was followed by the introduction of the members of the Selkirk Rotary Club by president, A. E. K. Cowles.


The charge to new members, a number of whom were admitted at this meeting, was delivered by Rev. Dr. George A. Woodside, of the Winnipeg Rotary Club. His address was most impressive and well worthy of deep consideration by every member of Rotary. Vocal selections were contributed by Mr. Victor Scott, of Winnipeg, accompanied by Mrs. Scott.


Before the singing of the National Anthem, which brought the evening to a close, members of the Winnipeg club presented the locals with a large bronze gong and a gavel as a token of fellowship. The chairmen for the evening were W. W. Emerson, of Winnipeg, and A. E. K. Cowles, of Selkirk.


Monday evening was truly a red-letter night as far as Selkirk Rotarians and their wives are concerned and will long be remembered by all who were permitted to be present. It is not very often that a gathering of such proportions is held in Selkirk for the launching of a new project, which makes it an event in the history of Selkirk. As a service club, the Selkirk branch of Rotary will be a distinct adjunct to the life of our town.


